Meet our Registration Software!
CampBrain is our all in one camping software. This is where you will register your child, upload all documents, add money to your camp store account and much more! Tutorials on how to upload documents and more can be found below.
How to upload documents to your Campbrain portal.
- Log into your Parent/Guardian Profile.
- Under “View Submitted Applications” click “View Details“
- (You may have to scroll) There will be a section with the header “Upload Documents.“
- From there, select the upload icon next to the desired section to upload your documents.
- Upload your proof of income under “Financial Aid Income Information (Pay Statements).“
- If you are submitting more than one source of income, you can put it under “Financial Aid Income Information (Other Income).“
- If you are submitting taxes, you can put it under “Financial Aid Income Information (Tax Return).”
- If you are using a voucher, please submit your Confirmation of Provider under “Voucher Confirmation of Provider.“
What's new this year?
Camp Massapoag has had exciting activities for campers in the outdoors for over 100 years. In summer 2025 we will be keeping that tradition alive with some exciting new activities. Campers can challenge themselves on a new Zip Line over the creek. At the Target Range campers can use giant slingshots to bombard the castle. In Arts and Crafts camp classics like leather working and woodworking are making a return!
Quick Links
Contact us
(978) 649-7521 (Summer)
(978) 454-7825 (Off Season)
(978) 649-7316
Email: campmassapoag@lowellymca.org