Registration begins January 1st

Lifeguarding is a great IN- DEMAND job! Participants must successfully complete the course prerequisites on the first day of class. After completion of the course, participants will be certified in Waterfront Lifeguarding, CPR/AED for Lifeguards, and First Aid for 2 years. Employment opportunities are available at the Greater Lowell YMCA after certification is obtained.

Prerequisites: All students must meet the following criteria to take the class. If any skill is failed, participants will not be able to continue with the certification.

  • Must be age 15 on or by the last day of class
  • 550-yard swim of Front Crawl and Breaststroke.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes without using arms.
  • 20-yard swim, surface dive to a depth of 10 feet and retrieval of a 10-pound brick in less than 1 min 40 sec.
  • 15-yard underwater swim and retrieval of five submerged rings.


Full Courses: (8:00am – 6:00pm)

Course 1: February 17-20
Course 2: April 22-25
Course 3: June 21, 22, 28, 29 (2 weekends)
Course 4: TBD

Recertification Course: (8:00am – 3:00pm)


Full Course $350 for Members/$400 for Non-Members
Recertification $95.00 for Members/$125 for Non-Members

*A $75 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit will be collected at registration to hold the spot. Payment is due in full on the first day of the class. 

Contact Information:
Parker Schaufus, Aquatics Director 
978-454-7825 ext. 825