High Energy Circuit
High Energy Circuit
Sundays 10:00am -11:00am
A fun, high-energy class for those who like a challenge. Improve your strength and stamina in a small-group setting.
Cost Per 7-week Session:
Member $80
Non-Member $160
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
Kickboxing: Skills & Drills
Kickboxing: Skills & Drills
Sundays from 9:00 – 10:00 AM
An all-levels class for those who want to learn or improve their skill. Expect to work on form, technique, and agility. There will be minimal pad/bag work. Each class offers new material.
Cost Per 7-week Session:
Member $80
Non-Member $160
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
Some Bones About It
Some Bones About It
Tuesdays from 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Thursdays from 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Learn how to lift weights in a safe environment and at a steady pace. You’ll learn how to exercise with fundamental movement patterns using proper form. This is an all-levels class. It’s also safe for those with osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Cost Per 7-week Session:
One class per week:
Member $87.50
Non-Member $175
Two classes per week:
Member $175
Non-Member $350
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
PIVIO Strength
PIVIO Strength
This is a beginner-level strength training class, in the weight room, especially for PIVIO participants and graduates.
Cost Per 6-week Session:
One class per week:
Member $50
Two classes per week:
Member $100
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
No Bones About It - Osteoporosis Class
No Bones About It
Mondays and Thursdays from 9:15 – 10:15 AM
Mondays and Thursdays from10:30-11:30 AM
Did you know physical activity can stimulate bone growth? This is a class designed for those with osteopenia, osteoporosis or anyone who wants to make their bones stronger. The instructor will use their prior experience with this population to develop safe and appropriate exercise programming. Registration is required. Please contact us for a fitness assessment prior to joining the class.”
Cost Per 7-week Session:
One class per week:
Member $87.50
Non-Member $175
Two classes per week:
Member $175
Non-Member $350
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Are you pregnant and looking for a yoga class? Learn how to take better care of yourself and the baby. This is a six-week series designed for each stage of pregnancy. We will cover how to make healthy lifestyle choices, improve sleep, and be mentally and physically prepared for childbirth. Topics covered include pose modification, breathing methods, relaxation techniques, and self-massage. Scarves, bolsters, and mats are provided. Participants in their third trimester should bring a partner to the last class.
Cost Per 6-week Session:
Member $125
Non-Member $150
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820
Somatic Exercise
Somatic Exercise
Somatic exercises provide a direct and effective way to reprogram the sensory-motor system, training our brain and body to reconnect again. Not sure what to expect? Watch one of our sample videos below:
Hip Internal Rotation
Hip External Rotation
Friday’s at 9:00 AM
Cost Per Class:
Please contact the Health and Wellness Director, Karri Greenhalge, with any questions: kgreenhalge@lowellymca.org or 978-454-7825 ext. 820